Quarterly Fitness Test
In an effort to help ensure that everyone is accelerating their First F and provide some baselines for our fitness levels here in Memphis, we hold quarterly fitness tests. The test is modeled after the new Army Combat Fitness Test with some modifications. We will aim to hold the test on the first Saturday of each quarter at the Barracks along with several AOs throughout the following week.
Submit Scores Here: https://forms.gle/h1peETSrKN7GUvq18
1:00 Burpees Perform maximum reps of burpees in 1 minute.
Triple Broad Jump Perform three consecutive broad jumps and record the total distance.
2:00 T-Merkins (AKA Hand-Release Push-Up Arm Extension)
Keep your body straight at all times.
Once chest, hips, and thighs touch the ground at the same time, move both arms out to the side, straightening the elbows into the T position. Bring them back.
Front leaning rest (AKA ‘up position’) is the only authorized rest position. Bending or flexing knees, hips, trunk, or neck while in the rest position is not authorized.
A start line and 25m/82ft distance
2 CMUs
Unless otherwise noted, both one foot and one hand must touch the ground at or beyond the 25m mark.
Sprint to the 25m mark and back.
Grab a CMU and perform murder bunnies to the 25m mark and back. Murder Bunny: Stand with feet slightly more than shoulder width apart with block longways between them. Bend over and grab the block, lift it a few inches off the ground and move it forward until you can’t reach. Then, put the block down, transition your weight to the block (thru your hands) and hop your feet back to where they are on either side of the block.
Lateral dash to the 25m mark and back. Throughout the movement the feet may shuffle but cannot touch or cross over one another. The body moves sideways to the line.
Grab 2 CMUs and run to the 25m mark. Step on or over the line with one foot and return to the starting line.
Sprint to the 25m mark and back.
Leg Tuck
Starting position is a straight-arm hang on the bar with feet off the ground. The grip is the alternating grip with the body perpendicular to the bar, however the alternating grip will cause the body to rotate outward slightly. Legs and feet may not be crossed.
On the ‘GO’ command, the PAX will flex at the elbows, knees, hips, and waist to lift the knees.The right and left knees or thighs MUST touch the right and left elbows, respectively.
Return under control to the straight-arm position, elbows straight, to complete each repetition.
2 Mile run Rest 5-10 minutes after Leg Tuck before starting.